A Private Tutor for Physics and Mathematics in Moscow. Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel.
There's a lessons schedule of the Private Tutor in Physics and Mathematics in Moscow, Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel: Preparing to Common Entrance, USE (ЕГЭ) and GSE (ГИА), olympiads and competitions. A MIPT graduated in Physics (DGAP) private tutor gives lessons, having a teaching experience at Phystech College, gives the private lessons, working as a home teacher for pupils, school and college students.

Dear school and college students. I congratulate you all with the advent of the new academic year 2015–2016 !!

                  my future and present students and welcome as well as your parents! For good results, both in physics and in mathematics there's most important to learn how to think and understand rather than to memorize and study. The main task, which I propose to do is to learn to think on the lessons of physics and mathematics like a naturalist does. To do it in the school curriculum is not as difficult as it seems. But often in school some important key knowledge is overlooked, simply because of virtually unattainability of high quality education for group training. Thereafter, such gaps pull a whole train of problems. But these missing key knowledges never are too late to be returned. In direct contact between student and experienced teacher all the blind spots and black holes in student's knowledges become visible. Moving from simple to complicated matter, sometimes I have to turn the student back to material previously studied, solving problems, learning and rethinking new and old themes. In my programs there are both the standard school tasks and the original ones developing quality of the critical-thinkers in students.
My audience. The aims. The costs. The schedule.
For students of the 6–11 grades years of secondary schools, colleges or special ones. Besides those it's perhaps to teach children from 11 years old. The lessons can be held in student's apartments or here, in mine, near the subway-station Kropotkinskaya. The duration of the lessons may vary from 45 minutes to 5 hours. This is depended upon the physical and emotional qualities of the student, and his/her involvement in the subject.

The three main aims, which may be pursued in the process of our co-operation:

1) in-depth studying of the subject;
2) compensation of probable shortcomings of a group learning in the school, college, gymnasium, etc. (absence of teachers, depressingly formal approach to the subject, lack of attention from educators because of congested classes, etc.);
3) correcting of students who neglect the subject in previous years.

Depending on what purpose you can relate your specific situation, we will work according to the corresponding program. Within each of the three categories it can be implemented the training for Common Entrance, USE (ЕГЭ) and GSE (ГИА). Within the first two groups we can talk about preparing to participate in special competitions and olympiads.

Average cost of lessons is about 1700 rubles per academic hour (45 minutes) or 2000–2400 rubles per hour (60 minutes). For the duration of lessons over 1.5 hours, or in the case of a small distance to our meetings – of course, we can have agreement on discounts. The schedule and the cost calculation.
How my lessons work?
Most often, when the level of initial involvement of student is low, he must be surprised. For a scientist it is not difficult, because the modern world is surrounded by the embodiment of Applied Physics and Mathematics. Students engaged in the discipline begin to work on tasks and expand, with my help, the necessary fundamental and actual outlook already for theirselves. During training the students showing their weaknesses and strengths, so that, starting from the second – the third meeting, lessons become a highly personalized form. These consist three approximately equal parts: the presentation of a new theoretical material in the form of the open discussion, shared working on the tasks of the new material, analysis of errors in the tasks of the old material with a deep discussion about all concerned points.
A little bit about myself.
Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel:
1994 – Schoolgraduated with the gold medal. Class of in-depth studying of chemistry.
2002 – Инженер-Физик по специальности "Прикладная Математика и Физика".
             An engineer-physicist with the speciality: "Applied Mathematics and Physics".
                        МФТИ \ ФОПФ (Физфак Физтеха) \ ОИЯИ (кафедра в г. Дубна).
                        MIPT \ DGAP (Physics Department) \ JINR (subdepartment in Dubna town).
1998–2001 \ 2007–2015 – A school teacher of Phystech College incorporated to MIPT (total – about 10 years).
2005–2015 – A private tutor (total – about 150 students).
2009–2015 – 31 from 31 of my college students had successfully passed USE (ЕГЭ). 9 was admitted to the MIPT.
The lessons schedule:
There's a lessons schedule of the Private Tutor in Physics and Mathematics in Moscow, Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel: Preparing to Common Entrance, USE (ЕГЭ) and GSE (ГИА), olympiads and competitions. A MIPT graduated in Physics (DGAP) private tutor gives lessons, having a teaching 
experience at Phystech College, gives the private lessons, working as a home teacher for pupils, school and college students.
Has it occurred to you that you have some problems with the physical or math sciences?
If it's occured that you have some problems with the physical or mathematical sciences or you want to expand your knowledges in this subject, then do not hesitate to contact. My experience and high qualification will help you overcome the difficulties and gain confidence in your self abilities. The school and college students, entrants, persons receiving a second degree, it's waiting for you all the assistance and support in various fields of Mathematics, Physics and many other related science. The solution of complex problems, tests, analysis of variants for the entrance exams for students – all this and much, much more you can get without leaving home. The quality of work performed, attention to details during working with the students and demands for deep penetration into the subjects of studying are my style of work.

A Private Tutor in Physics and Mathematics, Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel, +7 (916) 311-36-37 . © 2004
A MIPT graduated in Physics (DGAP) private tutor gives lessons, having a ten-years teaching experience at Phystech College.

The phone numbers of private tutor in Physics and Mathematics in Moscow, Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel ( +7 (916) 311-36-37 ) for communication regarding preparations for Common Entrance, USE (ЕГЭ), GSE (ГИА), competitions and olympiads.
A Private Tutor for Physics and Mathematics in Moscow, Bolshev MICHAEL Samuel, a MIPT graduated having a teaching 
experience at Phystech College.
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